Deploying with Docker Compose pre-release
This section provides instructions to deploy each service one by one with Docker Compose, using the local, insecure non-HTTPS deployment option for ease of use. Each service provides a deploy/docker-compose.yml
service description, and a deploy/env/
subdirectory with environment variables you can override to change configuration. Each service file uses the same Docker virtual network names, so you can deploy services one by one using each service's Compose file, and yet keep them on the appropriate networks for internal ("southbound", gRPC) and external ("northbound", RESTful) API communication. Each service stores persistent data in /zms
unless the DATADIR
environment variable is overridden in a .env
file in the service source code directory. Services are prefixed with their name (e.g. zms-frontend
) and postfixed with one of three deployment options for the service: -prod
, -dev
, and -local-dev
. The latter option is only appropriate for local development and testing on non-public endpoints, since it has default environment configuration, including tokens and passwords that are committed in the source repositories.
Do not run the -local-dev
variants on public endpoints unless you have overridden the default password and token configuration, and restricted access to debugging information and control (e.g. the server-side of the zms-frontend-local-dev
service will leak information to web clients, so do not use it on public endpoints).
for per-service persistent data
sudo mkdir /zms
sudo chown `id -un` /zms
Deploy the zms-identity
git clone
cd zms-identity
Build and create the zms-identity-local-dev
docker compose -f deploy/docker-compose.yml up -d
This will deploy the zms-identity
service according to the environment variable configuration in deploy/env/zms-identity-local-dev.env
(view in repository). Look in this file to find two bootstrap tokens for use with the northbound RESTful API, one for the admin
account, and another for the powder
proto-user account. This configuration also enables automatic database migrations.
View the containers:
docker compose -f deploy/docker-compose.yml ps
Watch the main service logfile:
docker compose -f deploy/docker-compose.yml logs -f zms-identity-local-dev
Save the boostrap admin token into an environment variable:
export ADMIN_TOKEN=`grep BOOTSTRAP_TOKEN deploy/env/zms-identity-local-dev.env | cut -d= -f2`
Construct a URL to the identity service's RESTful API endpoint on its private IP address:
export IDENTITY_IP_HTTP=`docker inspect zms-identity-local-dev -f '{{ index . "NetworkSettings" "Networks" "zms-frontend-local-dev-net" "IPAddress"}}'`
export IDENTITY_HTTP=http://${IDENTITY_IP_HTTP}:8000/v1
Inspect your admin token via the RESTful API (assumes you have the jq
tool installed on your system):
curl -s -k -X GET -H "X-Api-Token: $ADMIN_TOKEN" -H "X-Api-Elaborate: true" ${IDENTITY_HTTP}/tokens/this | jq
List the bootstrapped OpenZMS users via the RESTful API:
curl -s -k -X GET -H "X-Api-Token: $ADMIN_TOKEN" -H "X-Api-Elaborate: true" ${IDENTITY_HTTP}/users | jq
List the bootstrapped OpenZMS elements via the RESTful API:
curl -s -k -X GET -H "X-Api-Token: $ADMIN_TOKEN" -H "X-Api-Elaborate: true" ${IDENTITY_HTTP}/users | jq