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OpenZMS Architecture

The following diagram illustrates the OpenZMS implementation. OpenZMS employs a centralized spectrum management approach, where spectrum consumers operate under explicit, dynamic delegations of authority from OpenZMS services. This design ensures that OpenZMS can remain in control of an RDZ: it can implement flexible policy-based sharing while still providing protections from harmful interference. OpenZMS is designed and anticipated to manage municipal to regional-scale deployments, with anticipated extensions supporting hierarchical deployments that provide chains of spectrum authority, delegation, and observability.

OpenZMS Architecture

OpenZMS is built as a set of containerized, cloud-native services to support horizontal scalability for large analysis and prediction workloads, and to facilitate extensibility via third-party services. Each service that provides parts of the ZeAL API does so over a RESTful JSON ”northbound” interface. Users authenticate via API tokens and are authorized via role-based access control (RBAC). Internally, services communicate over trusted gRPC service APIs and event streams.

The core identity, zmc, dst, and alarm services are implemented in golang; the propsim-tirem and propsim-winprop propagation simulation services are implemented in Python. The core services each store data in a relational Postgres database, and the dst further uses the PostGIS extensions to support raster storage of propagation simulation maps and geospatial indexes and queries. The OpenZMS web UI, built using the [Vue.js] and [Nuxt.js] frameworks, exposes OpenZMS’s core abstractions. The UI displays zone status, live measurement graphs, and propagation simulation maps as web map tiles generated and cached by a Geoserver instance, attached to the dst services’s PostGIS database.

OpenZMS Zone Abstration Layer (ZeAL)

The ZeAL APIs provide the external, publicly-available, “northbound” interface through which organizations and their members participate in spectrum sharing activities within an RDZ. We refer to a participating organization as an Element: Elements are the unit of teaming and collaboration within an organization. Elements provide and update OpenZMS with the configuration of resources that they use within the RDZ (e.g., radio transmitters and receivers), and resources that they offer to the RDZ (e.g., spectrum, radio monitors, infrastructure)—either through an automated Element-side service, or via manual ZeAL API invocations when necessary. Users are members of one or more Elements, and may be granted one or more Roles in a number of Elements to use spectrum or observe its use; or to perform administrative and operational activities within an Element, such as changing an antenna associated with a radio. We expect that many users of RDZ spectrum will not themselves be OpenZMS Users: instead, these Element members may access RDZ resources through user accounts within their organization (Element), and the Element will offer RDZ resources to its own users, via its own abstractions, by consuming the the ZeAL APIs.

Core Data Model

OpenZMS defines a comprehensive data model intended to capture operating characteristics of RDZ radios that consume spectrum. OpenZMS models Radios as devices with one or more RadioPorts, each of which is connected to an Antenna. Radios model the higher-level, generic properties of a device, such as FCC identifier, model, and more. RadioPorts define additional details of operation, such as operating bands, tx/rx modes, maximum power level, and attached antenna azimuth, elevation angle, and location. Antennas define the properties of a specific model of antenna, and can be described via simple properties like gain and beam width; or by detailed radiation patterns (e.g., the widely-used MSI format). OpenZMS does not operate these Radios; this information is necessary to enable effective prediction (e.g., propagation simulation) and analysis of measurements (e.g., interference, model accuracy, and more).

OpenZMS’s monitoring abstractions build upon these base abstractions. Elements define Monitors, associated with particular RadioPorts, which provides detailed reception characteristics to OpenZMS analysis services. Monitors report Observations, which contain radio measurement data. The OpenZMS design does not dictate specific measurement and data formats, and accepts processed, indexed, and analyzed information (e.g., occupancy data, power-spectral density), or raw sample data (e.g., SigMF). Our goal is to enable many kinds of services within OpenZMS via horizontally-scalable Observation analysis pipelines. Analysis services may attach additional processed or learned information to Observations as Annotations (e.g., an interference and risk analysis).

To delegate spectrum to OpenZMS to manage, Elements create Spectrum objects. Each Spectrum object consists of start and end constraints, radio constraints (band, power, area of operation, maximum leakage allowed outside areas of operation, etc), and usage policy (restrictions on particular Elements, priority, required approvals, use models such as when-unoccupied). Elements may revoke Spectrum delegations at any time, which will result in revocation of current and future grants allocated within the revoked Spectrum object. To obtain spectrum from OpenZMS, Elements create Grant objects, which consist of the same kinds of start, duration, and radio constraints, and may be associated with one or more RadioPorts. Grant requests may be under-specified across these constraints, allowing OpenZMS to determine a ”best fit” allocation of spectrum to the Grant.

OpenZMS Services

The OpenZMS ZeAL API is implemented by several services that provide secure, RESTful endpoints. All services communicate internally over a trusted, RPC-based messaging layer, designed to facilitate high-throughput, low-latency messaging and reactive, event-based analysis pipelines.

Identity Service

The zms-identity service provides the Element, User, Role, and Token abstractions and operations. Users can scope Tokens with subsets of their Roles to restrict the set of authorized operations. All OpenZMS services register with the identity service, which maintain

Zmc (Zone Management Controller) Service

The zms-zmc service provides the Radio, Monitor, Spectrum, Grant, and related abstractions— it is the primary API endpoint for Elements to populate OpenZMS with radio device information; to provide spectrum for OpenZMS to manage; and for Elements to reserve spectrum via the Grant abstraction. The zmc service currently hosts the spectrum scheduler, which allocates Spectrum to Grants, querying other services as required by policy (e.g. the dst service’s occupancy data and propagation simulation maps). The zmc service revokes Grants when notified by the alarm service that they are in violation of operating constraints.

DST (Digital Spectrum Twin) Service

The dst (digital spectrum twin) service provides the Observation, Collection, Annotation, and Propsim (propagation simulation) abstractions. Conceptually, it operates as a dualpurpose system, functioning both as a predictive engine and a data analytics hub. This service indexes records of RF measurements, spectrum usage, and radio device data, and provides a predictive query interface. These queries serve two purposes: 1) determining occupancy, such as verifying the availability of X MHz of spectrum for radio Y at power level Z, at a specific time T, and for a duration D; and 2) estimating a transmission power range for radio Y at time T, ensuring emissions remain below power P outside the RDZ. The dst’s analysis capabilities empower it to extrapolate intelligence from short-term observations to identify and understand long-term, spatial spectrum usage trends. The dst service stores Observation data in persistent file storage and indexes within appropriate databases (e.g., geospatial, relational, time-series) to support fast queries. It can invoke propagation simulation services on-demand, but can also simulate in expectation of future usage as new Radio and Spectrum objects are created and updated by Elements.

Propsim (Propagation Simulation) Services

The dst service acts as a client to propsim (propagation simulation) services, which generate expected received signal strength maps and other geospatial features for one or more transmitters operating in a given band and power level. These predictions are the basis to facilitate simultaneous, deconflicted shared spectrum use. OpenZMS defines an extensible RPC-based propsim job service, and through this interface, the dst service can run parameterized propagation simulations to obtain maps with received signal strength data. The dst service caches and indexes these maps in its PostGIS database to facilitate geographic sharing under a variety of constraints.

Alarm Service

The alarm service analyzes and responds to unexpected interference reports that can occur due to spatial and temporal changes not captured even with sophisticated planning and a multi-dimensional DST. OpenZMS uses monitor observations, along with historical data from the DST, to manage spectrum access for consumers, revoking access from probable interferers. Credible reports from interference events and monitoring data will be used to update the DST for future risk assessments. The primary concern for incumbents is minimizing interference events. This is especially critical for sensitive applications like radio astronomy that have a very small window of acceptable interference. OpenZMS provides a real-time response to unexpected interference reports caused by other RDZ consumers.

OpenZMS is supported by the National Science Foundation under Award 2232463.